18th October 2024: the Lodge appointed its new Worshipful Master; W Bro King for the ensuing year 2024 – 2025. The meeting was followed by a very jovial Festive Board attended by dignitaries of the Province and friends from other Lodges.
13th October 2024: the Sutton Masonic Hall foodbank committee is starting to raise funds for Christmas for Sutton Young carers. The foodbank provides Christmas boxes for vulnerable families.
2nd October 2024: the annual Surrey Craft Lecture Festival took place in the Sutton Masonic Hall. Rutlish Lodge took part in the event.
2nd October 2024: the Sutton Masonic Hall delivered a fresh food shop to the Sutton Women’s Centre.
28th September 2024: the Surrey Freemasons hosted one of the biggest events in the Provincial calendar, the Surbiton festival. A vibrant celebration of community spirit, creativity, and local culture, with an array of activities catering to all ages. From live music and performances that showcase the best of local talent, to a bustling street market filled with artisan crafts, and delectable food & beer-stalls and to a children-centric area with a teddy bears picnic, free face-painting, free punch & judy, and free fayre type stalls the festival captures the essence of Surbiton’s eclectic and inclusive nature.
22nd September 2024: Service of Thanksgiving at Guildford Cathedral, to mark the beginning of the Masonic season.